guarding theSwingmen Adam GalkoPosition: Swingman 5Ryland HoltPosition: SwingmanAge: 18 7Dávid BujdošPosition: 3 - SwingmanAge: 18 rýchly a spoľahlivýcenter 34Scott BlakneyPosition: 5 - CenterAge: 26 95Michael FusekPosition: 5 - CenterAge: 29 creative playmakersshooting guard 10Šimon HofericaPosition: 2 - Shooting GuardAge: 18 21Richard RožánekPosition: 2 - Shooting GuardAge: 25 at the forefront of attackPower Forwards 17Ladislav GergelyPosition: 4 - Power ForwardAge: 19 at the forefront of attackSmall Forwards 4Martin ChlupisPosition: Right MFAge: 23 11Ondrej KapustíkPosition: 3 - Small ForwardAge: 20 the guardiansCombo Guard 0.Langley KeyshaunPosition: 1-2 Combo GuardAge: 24 8Milan ŽiakPosition: 2-1 Combo GuardAge: 36 the guardiansPoint Guard 2Andrej NáhlikPosition: 1 - Point GuardAge: 18 18Yehor YakushevPosition: 1 - Point GuardAge: 19